Double Microelectronics Corporation of Shanghai .
D34063 - DC / DC converter control circuit
Double Microelectronics Corporation of Shanghai D34063 DC/DC D34063 , - 。 、、 , 1.5A 。 、 ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 3.0-- 40V 3mA 1.5A() 100Hz .OGFD34063D - monolithic control circuit
OGFD34063D The 34063D is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC-to-DC converters. These devices consist of an .TD34063 - DC TO DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER
TMC TD34063 DC TO DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION T he TD34063 Series is a monolithic control circuit containing the primary functions required .TD34063 - 1.5A STEP-DOWN/STEP-UP/INVERTING DC-DC CONVERTER
1.5A STEP-DOWN/STEP-UP/INVERTING DC-DC CONVERTER Datasheet TD34063 General Description Features The TD34063 is a monolithic switching regulator co.YD34063 - DC TO DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER YOUDA INTEGRATED CIRCUIT YD34063 DC TO DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER—YD34063 DESCRIPTION The YD34063 is a monolithic regulator subsys.