D44H8 - D44H11 D45H8 - D45H11 Complementary power .
D44H8 - Complementary power transistors
D44H8 - D44H11 D45H8 - D45H11 Complementary power transistors Features ■ Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ■ Fast switching speed Applications.D44H8 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors D44H8 www.datasheet4u.com DESCRIPTION ·With TO-220C package ·Fast swit.D44H8 - 10 AMPERE COMPLEMENTARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS
MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by D44H/D Complementary Silicon Power Transistors . . . for general purpose power amplifi.D44H8 - NPN Transistor
isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION ·Low Saturation Voltage ·Fast Switching Speeds ·Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device perform.D44H8 - Complementary Silicon Power Transistors
D44H Series (NPN), D45H Series (PNP) Complementary Silicon Power Transistors These series of plastic, silicon NPN and PNP power transistors can be us.D44H8 - NPN POWER TRANSISTORS
NPN POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY TO THE D45H SERIES D44H Series 30·80 VOLTS 10 AMP, 50 WATTS The General Electric D44H is a power transistor desi.D44H8 - NPN Power Amplifier
D44H8 / NZT44H8 Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies D44H8 NZT44H8 C B E C E C TO-220 SOT-223 B NPN Power Amplifier This device is designed f.