www.DataSheet4U.com .
SDB628 - High Efficiency 1.2MHz 2A Step Up Converter
SHOUDING FEATURES • Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET • 2V to 24V Input Voltage • 1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency • Internal 4A Switch Current Limit • Adj.SDC5091D - SSR dual-winding primary-side PW constant-power
SSR PW PRIMARY DATASHEET SDC5091D/M/S/Q SDC5091X PWM SDC5091X lCS 700V SDC5091X SDC5091X 3.3- 20V VDD SDC5091X SDC5091X 0CP OLP VDD .SDC5091Q - SSR dual-winding primary-side PW constant-power
SSR PW PRIMARY DATASHEET SDC5091D/M/S/Q SDC5091X PWM SDC5091X lCS 700V SDC5091X SDC5091X 3.3- 20V VDD SDC5091X SDC5091X 0CP OLP VDD .LP3669CS - Double winding primary feedback controller
LP3669CS LP3669CS ,, 。 ,, TL431、。 LP3669CS ,, FB 。 ,LP3669CS , FB 。 LP3669CS , VCC /,,。 LP3669CS SOP7 BJT, 6W , ,.LIS8516 - Two windings - primary-side control LED driver switch
LIS8516 - LED (LEB) (110uA) , 600VMOS DIP-8 LIS8516 LED , LED , 。 431 , , IC , 。,LIS8516 , 16.SDC5091M - SSR dual-winding primary-side PW constant-power
SSR PW PRIMARY DATASHEET SDC5091D/M/S/Q SDC5091X PWM SDC5091X lCS 700V SDC5091X SDC5091X 3.3- 20V VDD SDC5091X SDC5091X 0CP OLP VDD .LIS8514 - Two windings - the primary side switch control LED driver
LIS8514 - LED (LEB) (110uA) , 600VMOS DIP-8 LIS8514 LED , LED , 。 431 , , IC , 。,LIS8514 , 8~.MS25083 - Bonding and Current Return
.. ... , . .: I . ,, ...’.. -.. ,.-— -.. . *- .- .,-. . . .. . .. ---- .—A. I FED. 3uP CLK5 6150 i. -.. . . ... . .;.L;:..., :“. . . . . . ...D35SB100 - High Current Glass Passivated Molding Single-Phase Bridge Rectifier
D35SB10 Thru D35SB100 High Current Glass Passivated Molding Single-Phase Bridge Rectifier Reverse Voltage 100 to 1000V Forward Current 35 A FEATURES z.DTQ6600 - N-Channel MOSFET
N-Channel 60 V (D-S) MOSFET DTQ6600 www.din-tek.jp PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) RDS(on) (mΩ)(Typ.) 60 1.8 at VGS = 10 V 2.8 at VGS= 4.5 V ID (A)a, .SDC5091S - SSR dual-winding primary-side PW constant-power
SSR PW PRIMARY DATASHEET SDC5091D/M/S/Q SDC5091X PWM SDC5091X lCS 700V SDC5091X SDC5091X 3.3- 20V VDD SDC5091X SDC5091X 0CP OLP VDD .HS2264 - CMOS process to create low-power general-purpose coding circuit
.SD6271 - 2A Step-Up Current Mode PWM Converter
SHOUDING SD6271 1MHz, 2A Step-Up Current Mode PWM Converter General Description The SD6271 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuit.DTP3205 - N-Channel MOSFET
N-Channel 55 V (D-S) MOSFET DTP3205 www.din-tek.jp PRODUCT SUMMARY VDS (V) RDS(on) () 0.0063 at VGS = 10 V 55 0.0071 at VGS = 4.5 V ID (A)d 110.UTC7312 - Dual Recording / Playback Pre-Amplifier Circuit
UTC7312 S w w aDUAL RECORDING/PLAYBACK D CIRCUIT WITH . PRE-AMPLIFIER w ALC DESCRIPTION The UTC7312 is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for.HS2262A-R4 - Remote Coding Integrated Circuit
ËÕÖÝ»ªÐ¾Î¢µç×Ó ÏÞ¹«Ë HuaXin Micro-electronics Co., Ltd phone: 0512-68256888 email:h-sun@h-sun.com url: www.h-sun.com Remote Coding Integrated Circui.