S9518S - Nonvolatile DACPOT Electronic Potentiometer With Debounced Push Button Interface
SUMMIT MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. S9518 Nonvolatile DACPOT™ Electronic Potentiometer With Debounced Push Button Interface FEATURES Digitally Controlled .IS31IO7326 - DEBOUNCED 8 X 8 KEY-SCAN CONTROLLER
IS31IO7326 DEBOUNCED 8×8 KEY-SCAN CONTROLLER January 2012 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The IS31IO7326 is a 64 key, key-scan controller. It offloads the burden .IS31IO7326 - DEBOUNCED 8??8 KEY-SCAN CONTROLLER
IS31IO7326 DEBOUNCED 8×8 KEY-SCAN CONTROLLER March 2024 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The IS31IO7326 is a 64 key, key-scan controller. It offloads the burden .