
ELH883B datasheet

ELH883B datasheet

ELH883B Current Amplifier

ELH0002H 883 7801301XX ELH0002H 883 7801301XX Cur.

Elantec Semiconductor

ELH883B - Current Amplifier

ELH0002H 883 7801301XX ELH0002H 883 7801301XX Current Amplifier Features          400 mA pulsed output current DC to 30 MHz bandwidth 200 V .
1.0 · rating-1
Elantec Semiconductor

ELH883B - Power Operational Amplifier

ELH0002H 883 7801301XX ELH0002H 883 7801301XX Current Amplifier Features          400 mA pulsed output current DC to 30 MHz bandwidth 200 V .
1.0 · rating-1
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