MT90520 - 8-Port Primary Rate Circuit Emulation AAL1 SAR
MT90520 8-Port Primary Rate Circuit Emulation AAL1 SAR Data Sheet Features • AAL1 Segmentation and Reassembly device compliant with Circuit Emulation .W78958B - 8-Bit Emulation Microcontroller
W78958B 8-BIT EMULATION MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W78958B is an 8-bit emulation microcontroller that supports emulation for the Winbond .MSM9026 - Emulation Board for S1207
MOSEL VITELIC October 1996 Features To emulate S1207 chip and its derivatives, see data sheet PID 247. Driven by either 1.5 V x 4 battery or 5 - 6 V p.W78C58B - 8-BIT EMULATION MICROCONTROLLER
W78958B 8-BIT EMULATION MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W78958B is an 8-bit emulation microcontroller that supports emulation for the Winbond .M306V0T-RPD-E - Emulation Pod for M16C/6V Group M306V0 Manual
To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Cor.