FAN3226 / FAN3227 / FAN3228 / FAN3229 — Dual 2A .
FAN3228 - (FAN3226 - FAN3229) Low-Side Gate Drivers
FAN3226 / FAN3227 / FAN3228 / FAN3229 — Dual 2A High-Speed, Low-Side Gate Drivers May 2008 FAN3226 / FAN3227 / FAN3228 / FAN3229 Dual 2A High-Speed,.FAN3228 - Dual 2-A High-Speed Low-Side Gate Drivers
Dual 2-A High-Speed, Low-Side Gate Drivers FAN3226, FAN3227, FAN3228, FAN3229 Description The FAN3226−29 family of dual 2 A gate drivers is designed .