E28F008SA - 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFile MEMORY
28F008SA 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFileTM MEMORY Extended Temperature Specifications Included Y High-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture Sixtee.F28F008SA - 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFile MEMORY
28F008SA 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFileTM MEMORY Extended Temperature Specifications Included Y High-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture Sixtee.PA28F008SA - 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFile MEMORY
28F008SA 8-MBIT (1-MBIT x 8) FlashFileTM MEMORY Extended Temperature Specifications Included Y High-Density Symmetrically-Blocked Architecture Sixtee.28F320S3 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.28F320S5 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.TE28F160S3 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.TE28F160S5 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.DT28F160S5 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.DT28F320S5 - 3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile Memory
3 Volt and 5 Volt FlashFile™ Memory 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F160S5, 28F320S5 (x8/x16) Specification Update July 1999 Notice: The 28F160S3, 28F320S3, 28F.G28F016SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.TE28F016SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.E28F004SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.PA28F004SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.TE28F004SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.TB28F004SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.E28F008SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.PA28F008SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.G28F008SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.TE28F008SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.TB28F008SC - SmartVoltage FlashFile MEMORY
E PRELIMINARY BYTE-WIDE SmartVoltage FlashFile™ MEMORY FAMILY 4, 8, AND 16 MBIT 28F004SC, 28F008SC, 28F016SC Includes Commercial and Extended Tem.