GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 RoHS COMPLIANT Bridge Rect.
GBU1504 - Bridge Rectifier
GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 RoHS COMPLIANT Bridge Rectifiers Features ● UL recognition, file #E230084 ● Glass passivated chip junction ● Ideal for printed.GBU1504-G - Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers
Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers GBU15005-G Thru. GBU1510-G Reverse Voltage: 50 to 1000V Forward Current: 15.0A RoHS Device Features -Surge overlo.GBU1504 - (GBU10/15/25 Series) GLASS PASSIVATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERS
GBU10/15/25 SERIES GLASS PASSIVATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERS FEATURES ●Surge overload rating -220~350 amperes peak ● Ideal for printed ci.GBU1504 - Bridge Rectifiers
Elektronische Bauelemente GBU15005 ~ GBU1510 Voltage 50V ~ 1000V 15Amp Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” sp.GBU1504 - Single-Phase 15.0A Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifier
GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 Technical Data Data Sheet N1802, Rev. A GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 Single-Phase 15.0A Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifier GBU Feat.GBU1504 - Single Phase 15.0 AMPS. Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers
GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 Single Phase 15.0 AMPS. Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers Reverse Voltage - 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current - 15.0 Ampere GB.GBU1504 - SINGLE PHASE GLASS PASSIVATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERS
GBU15005 THRU GBU1510 SINGLE PHASE GLASS PASSIVATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERS REVERSE VOLTAGE 50 to 1000 Volts FORWARD CURRENT 15 Ampere FEATURES GBU Plas.GBU1504 - 15A Miniature Glass Passivated Single-Phase Bridge Rectifiers
GBU15005 Series 15A Miniature Glass Passivated Single-Phase Bridge Rectifiers ■ Features • Surge overload ratings to 240 amperes peak. • Recommended .GBU1504 - Bridge Rectifiers
R FEATURES Ideal For Printed Circuit Board Mounting Built-in Printed Circuit Board Stand-offs The Plastic Material Used Carries Underwriters Laboratory.