MMIC SURFACE MOUNT Power Splitter/Combiner 2 Way-0.
GP2S+ - Power Splitter/Combiner
MMIC SURFACE MOUNT Power Splitter/Combiner 2 Way-0° 50Ω 800 to 2100 MHz GP2S+ FEATURES y Wide bandwidth, 800 to 2100 MHz y Excellent isolation, 24 d.GP2S1+ - Power Splitter/Combiner
MMIC SURFACE MOUNT Power Splitter/Combiner 2 Way-0° 50Ω 500 to 2500 MHz GP2S1+ FEATURES y Very wide bandwidth, 500 to 2500 MHz y Excellent isolation.GP2S09 - Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S09/GP2S24/GP2S26/GP2S27 GP2S09/GP2S24/ GP2S26/GP2S27 s Features 1. Compact and thin GP2S09 : Compact DIP long lead type GP2S24 : Compact DIP type.GP2S28 - Long Focal Distance/ Case Type Photointerrupter
GP2S28 GP2S28 s Features 1. Long focal distance type ( Detecting range: 6mm ) 2. With pins for protection of wrong insertion 3. Snap-in mounting type.GP2S30 - Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter
GP2S30 GP2S30 s Features 1. Long focal distance Detection distance: 3 to 7mm 2. High sensing accuracy by laser trimming of resistor 3. 3-pin connecto.GP2S40 - Long Focal Distance / Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S40 GP2S40 s Features 1. Ultra compact DIP package ( Volume: 1/3 of GP2S05 ) 2. Long focal distance type ( focal distance: 3mm ) 3. Effective dete.GP2S01 - Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter
GP2S01/GP2S01F GP2S01/GP2S01F s Features 1. Long focal distance 2. Visible light cut-off type: GP2S01F Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter s O.GP2S01F - Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter
GP2S01/GP2S01F GP2S01/GP2S01F s Features 1. Long focal distance 2. Visible light cut-off type: GP2S01F Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter s O.GP2S03 - Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter
GP2S03 GP2S03 s Features 1. Long focal distance ( 4mm ) 2. Visible light cut-off type Long Focal Distance Type Photointerrupter s Outline Dimensions.GP2S22 - Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S22 GP2S22 s Features 1. φ 4mm compact resin mold type 2. Focal distanse: 0.6mm 3. Visible light cut-off type Subminiature Photointerrupter s Ou.GP2S24 - Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S09/GP2S24/GP2S26/GP2S27 GP2S09/GP2S24/ GP2S26/GP2S27 s Features 1. Compact and thin GP2S09 : Compact DIP long lead type GP2S24 : Compact DIP type.GP2S26 - Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S09/GP2S24/GP2S26/GP2S27 GP2S09/GP2S24/ GP2S26/GP2S27 s Features 1. Compact and thin GP2S09 : Compact DIP long lead type GP2S24 : Compact DIP type.GP2S27 - Subminiature Photointerrupter
GP2S09/GP2S24/GP2S26/GP2S27 GP2S09/GP2S24/ GP2S26/GP2S27 s Features 1. Compact and thin GP2S09 : Compact DIP long lead type GP2S24 : Compact DIP type.