
GPlF40Rl datasheet

GPlF40Rl datasheet

GPlF40Rl High Speed Type Plastic Fiber Optics with Built-in Amp.

Gp1F40T1 /Gpl F40RI /Gplc251 GPlF40T1/GPlF40Rl/ :.

Sharp Electrionic Components

GPlF40Rl - High Speed Type Plastic Fiber Optics with Built-in Amp.

Gp1F40T1 /Gpl F40RI /Gplc251 GPlF40T1/GPlF40Rl/ :;=::: GP1C251 H Features 1. High speed optical data transmission ;Pl F40T1 /GP1 F40R1 Type Plastic .
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