July 2016 HI-1567, HI-1568 MIL-STD-1553 / 1760 5V.
2SK1567 - Silicon N-Channel MOSFET
2SK1566, 2SK1567 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET Application High speed power switching Features • • • • • Low on-resistance High speed switching Low driv.SED1567 - single-chip dot matrix liquid crystal display drivers
8. SED1565 Series Rev. 2.4 Contents SED1565 Series 1. DESCRIPTION ..HI-1567 - 5V Monolithic Dual Transceivers
July 2016 HI-1567, HI-1568 MIL-STD-1553 / 1760 5V Monolithic Dual Transceivers DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS 44 N/C 43 BUSA 42 BUSA 41 BUSA 40 BU.NHi-1567 - Transceivers
Data Device Corporation 1-800-DDC-5757 | 631-567-5600 105 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY 11716 service@ddc-web.com | www.ddc-web.com NHi-1567/68 NHi-15LV6.ADSP-21567 - High Performance DSP
SHARC+ Single Core High Performance DSP (Up to 1 GHz) SYSTEM FEATURES Enhanced SHARC+ high performance floating-point core Up to 1 GHz Up to 5 Mb (64.Q62702-C1567 - NPN Silicon AF Transistors (For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain)
NPN Silicon AF Transistors BCW 60 BCX 70 q q q q q For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation v.MAX1567 - Six-Channel / High-Efficiency / Digital Camera Power Supplies
19-2882; Rev 1; 4/04 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA Six-Channel, High-Efficiency, Digital Camera Power Supplies General Description Features ♦ 95% Eff.K1567 - 2SK1567
2SK1566, 2SK1567 Silicon N-Channel MOS FET Application www.DataSheet4U.com High speed power switching Features • • • • • Low on-resistance High spe.PIC16LF1567 - 8-Bit Microcontroller
PIC16LF1566/1567 28/40/44-Pin Flash, 8-Bit Microcontrollers with XLP Technology Description The PIC16LF1566/1567 microcontrollers deliver unique on-c.