METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors 14D series Model Number Standard High Surge Maximum Allowable Voltage AC DC (V) (V) 1.CR100 - CARBON FILM RESISTORS
CARBON FILM RESISTORS CR/FCR SERIES Feature Industry's lowest cost Excellent long term stability Used in all kinds of application Standard Va.0603 - Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor - C Series Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/1808/1812/1825/2220/2255 Issued Date: 2.07D431K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .05D102k - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .1206 - Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor - C Series Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/1808/1812/1825/2220/2255 Issued Date: 2.5.0SMCJ100C - Transient Voltage Suppressors
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Transient Voltage Suppressors 5000W – 5.0SMCJ Series Package : DO-214AB(SMC) Issued Date: 10-Feb.-2015 Edition: Ver. 1 .0805 - Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor - C Series Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/1808/1812/1825/2220/2255 Issued Date: 2.07D911K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .07D511K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .05D680K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .05D122K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .0402ML330C - Multilayer Chip Varistors
HITANO ENTERPRISE CORP. Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Varistor. C series wide range application Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/18.0402 - Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor - C Series Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/1808/1812/1825/2220/2255 Issued Date: 2.1210 - Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor
Data Sheet Customer: Product: Multilayer Chip Ceramic Capacitor - C Series Size : 0402/0603/0805/1206/1210/1808/1812/1825/2220/2255 Issued Date: 2.10D361K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors 10D Series Model Number Maximum Allowable Voltage Standard High AC Surge (V) DC (V) .07D241K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .07D390K - METAL OXIDE VARISTORS
METAL OXIDE VARISTORS Transient voltage surge suppressors Materials and Marking Dimension table UNIT :mm Series D max H max Ho max d c±0.4 05D 7 .