HIS-07 - Ionization Smoke Chamber
HANWEI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD Http:www.hwsensor.com www.DataSheet4U.com HIS-07 SPECIFICATIONS 1. SCOPE: This specification sheet is for ionization s.A5350 - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5350 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect Features and Benefits ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect up to 125 .MC14468 - Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC
Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Interconnect The MC14468, when used with an ionization chamber.A5348CA - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5348 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect and Timer FEATURES AND BENEFITS ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect .A5348 - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5348 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect and Timer FEATURES AND BENEFITS ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect .RE46C126 - CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
www.DataSheet4U.com R&E International RE46C126 CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect Product Specification General Description The R.A5364 - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5364 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect Features and Benefits ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect up to 125 .MC145018 - Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC
Archive Information Archive Information Archived by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2009 Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Low-Power CMOS Ioniza.SD3A - Ionization Chamber Type Smoke Detector
a "--'-' §upertex inc. SD3A Ionization Chamber Type Smoke Detector Circuit Ordering Information Package 14 Pin Plastic Order No. SD3AP Features 0.RE46C152 - CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
www.DataSheet.in R&E International A Subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. RE46C152 CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect, Timer M.A5367 - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5367 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect and Timer FEATURES AND BENEFITS ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect .RE46C122 - CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
R&E International A Subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. RE46C122 CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect and Timer Mode Product Spec.RE46C180 - CMOS Programmable Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
RE46C180 CMOS Programmable Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect, Timer Mode and Alarm Memory Features • 6 – 12V Operation • Low Quiescen.A5350CA - Ionization Smoke Detector
A5350 Ionization Smoke Detector with Interconnect Features and Benefits ▪ Low average standby current for long battery life ▪ Interconnect up to 125 .MC14568 - Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector
www.DataSheet4U.com Freescale Semiconductor Product Preview Document Number: MC14568 Rev. 1.0, 11/2006 Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector wit.RE46C112 - Ionization Smoke Detector IC
www.DataSheet4U.com R&E International RE46C112 Ionization Smoke Detector IC Product Specification General Description The RE46C112 is an ionization .RE46C120 - CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
www.DataSheet4U.com R&E International RE46C120 CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC Product Specification General Description The RE46C120 is low pow.RE46C127 - CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC
www.DataSheet4U.com R&E International RE46C127 CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect and Timer Mode Product Specification General De.