LGE433A SAW Resonator The LGE433A is a true one- p.
D400 - NPN Transistor
2SD400 TO-92MOD Transistor (NPN) 1 1. EMITTER 2 3 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE Features Low-Frequency power Amp, Electronic Governor Applications TO.BD441 - NPN Transistor
BD439/441(NPN) TO-126 Transistor 1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR Features 3 2 1 Amplifier and switching applications 3. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS(TA=25℃ u.DTC114ECA - NPN Digital Transistor
DTC114EE/DTC114EUA/DTC114ECA DTC114EKA/DTC114ESA Digital Transistor(NPN) Features 1. Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter .BC558 - PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 ... BC 550 BC556/557/558/559/560 PNP Epitax.2SA940 - PNP Transistor
Features 3 2 1 Wide safe Operating Area. Complementary to 2SC2703 1. BASE 2. COLLECTOR 3. EMITTER 2SA940(PNP) TO-220 Transistor TO-220 MAXIMU.2SB649A - PNP Transistor
2SB649/2SB649A(PNP) TO-126 Transistor TO-126 1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR 7.400 7.800 2.500 1.100 2.900 1.500 Features 3 2 1 3. BASE Low frequency .3DD13009 - NPN Transistor
3DD13009(NPN) TO-220 Transistor 1. BASE TO-220 2. COLLECTOR Features 3 2 1 power switching applications 3. EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ u.1N4007S - Silicon Recrifiers
1N4001S-1N4007S 1.0 AMP. Silicon Recrifiers A-405/A-405F Features High efficiency, Low VF High current capability High reliability High surge curren.DTC114EUA - NPN Digital Transistor
DTC114EE/DTC114EUA/DTC114ECA DTC114EKA/DTC114ESA Digital Transistor(NPN) Features 1. Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter .1N4748 - Zener Diodes
Features Silicon planar power zener diodes For use in stabilizing and clipping circuits with high power rating. Standard zener voltage tolerance is ±1.MBR30100CT - Schottky Barrier Rectifiers
MBR3035CT-MBR30150CT 30.0AMP. Schottky Barrier Rectifiers TO-220AB Features Plastic material used carries Underwriters Laboratory Classifications 94V.RBV1506 - Silicon Bridge Rectifiers
RBV15005-RBV1510 Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 --- 1000 V CURRENT: 15.0 A Features Rating to 1000V PRV Surge overload rating to 200 Am .MSM-0505 - 1 WATT DC/DC CONVERTER
MS / MSM / MSB 1 WATT DC/DC CONVERTER, SIP PACKAGE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load INPUT SPECIFIC.SR3A0 - Schottky Barrier Rectifiers
SR320-SR3A0 Schottky Barrier Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 20 --- 100 V CURRENT: 3.0 A Features Metal-Sem iconductor junction with guard ring Epitaxial c.1N4746 - Zener Diodes
Features Silicon planar power zener diodes For use in stabilizing and clipping circuits with high power rating. Standard zener voltage tolerance is ±1.2SA1048 - PNP Transistor
1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR 123 3. BASE Features High voltage: VCEO=-50V(Min.) High hFE: hFE=70~400 Low noise: NF=1dB(Typ.),10dB(Max.) Comple.KBL407 - Silicon Bridge Rectifiers
KBL401-KBL407 Single Phase 4.0AMP. Silicon Bridge Rectifiers KBL Features Ideal for printed circuit board Reliable low cost construction High surge c.BAS70-04 - Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Diode
Features Low turn-on voltage Fast switching PN junction guard Ring for transient Mechanical Data Case: SOT-23, Molded plastic Weight: 0.008 grams BAS.SS56B - Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifiers
SS52B-SS510B Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifiers REVERSE VOLTAGE: 20 --- 100 V CURRENT: 5.0 A Features Plastic package has Underwriters Laborat.PR1507 - Fast Recovery Rectifiers
PR1501-PR1507 Fast Recovery Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 --- 1000 V CURRENT: 1.5 A Features Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltag.