NM1244Y - 32-bit Microcontroller
NM1240 Datasheet ARM Cortex® -M0 32-bit Microcontroller NuMicro® Family NM1240 Series Datasheet NM1240 SERIES DATASHEET The information described in.CM1244 - 4-Channel ESD Array
CM1244 4-Channel ESD Array in CSP Features • Four Channels of ESD Protection • ±15 kV ESD Protection on Each Channel (IEC 61000−4−2 Level 4, Contact D.NM1244Y48 - 32-bit Microcontroller
NM1240 Datasheet ARM Cortex® -M0 32-bit Microcontroller NuMicro® Family NM1240 Series Datasheet NM1240 SERIES DATASHEET The information described in.NM1244D48 - 32-bit Microcontroller
NM1240 Datasheet ARM Cortex® -M0 32-bit Microcontroller NuMicro® Family NM1240 Series Datasheet NM1240 SERIES DATASHEET The information described in.