M24C01/02-W M24C01/02-R M24C02-F Datasheet 1-Kbit .
M24C01-R - 1-Kbit and 2-Kbit serial I2C bus EEPROMs
M24C01/02-W M24C01/02-R M24C02-F Datasheet 1-Kbit and 2-Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROMs TSSOP8 (DW) 169 mil width SO8N (MN) 150 mil width UFDFPN8 (MC) .M24C01-W - 1-Kbit and 2-Kbit serial I2C bus EEPROMs
M24C01/02-W M24C01/02-R M24C02-F Datasheet 1-Kbit and 2-Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROMs TSSOP8 (DW) 169 mil width SO8N (MN) 150 mil width UFDFPN8 (MC) .M24C01 - I2C bus EEPROM
M24C01/02-W M24C01/02-R M24C02-F Datasheet 1-Kbit and 2-Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROMs TSSOP8 (DW) 169 mil width SO8N (MN) 150 mil width UFDFPN8 (MC) .