19-1357; Rev 1; 7/98 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA.
MAX1655 - High-Efficiency / PWM / Step-Down DC-DC Controllers in 16-Pin QSOP
19-1357; Rev 1; 7/98 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA High-Efficiency, PWM, Step-Down DC-DC Controllers in 16-Pin QSOP General Description _____________.MAX16550 - Integrated Protection
MAX16550/MAX16551 Integrated Protection IC on 12V Bus with an Integrated MOSFET, Lossless Current Sensing, and PMBus Interface General Description T.MAX16551 - Integrated Protection
MAX16550/MAX16551 Integrated Protection IC on 12V Bus with an Integrated MOSFET, Lossless Current Sensing, and PMBus Interface General Description T.