MIX205 16W F MIX2051、6W D: F。 .
MIX2051 - 6W single channel anti-breaking sound class F-power Amplifier
MIX2051 6W F MIX2051、6W F。 MIX2051PSRR MIX2051RF。 , 。PWM 、PCB, 。90%, MIX2051 。 MIX2051,。 。POP ,。 D: -6W (5.5V, RL = 2 Ω,THD+N=10%) -3.9W (5..MIX2052 - 6W Single-Channel Soundproof Class-D Amplifier
MIX2052 6W D MIX2052、6W D: D。 -6W (5.5V, RL =2 Ω,THD+N=10%) -3.9W (5.5V, RL =4 Ω,THD+N=10%) MIX2052PSRR : 2.8V to 5.5V MIX2052RF。 .SEMiX205TMLI12E4B - IGBT
SEMiX205TMLI12E4B SEMiX® 5 3-Level TNPC IGBT-Module SEMiX205TMLI12E4B Features • Solderless assembling solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw p.SEMiX205GD12E4 - IGBT
SEMiX205GD12E4 SEMiX® 5 Trench IGBT Modules SEMiX205GD12E4 Features • Solderless assembly solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw power terminal.MIX205 - 16W Single-Channel Anti-Breaking Sound F-Class Amplifier
MIX205 16W F MIX2051、6W D: F。 -6W (5.5V, RL = 2 Ω,THD+N=10%) -3.9W (5.5V, RL = 4 Ω,THD+N=10%) MIX2051PSRR AB: MIX2051RF。 -5.3W (5.5V,.SEMiX205MLI07E4 - IGBT
SEMiX205MLI07E4 SEMiX® 5 3-Level NPC IGBT-Module SEMiX205MLI07E4 Features • Solderless assembling solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw power .SEMiX205GARL07E3 - IGBT
SEMiX205GARL07E3 SEMiX® 5 Trench IGBT Modules Engineering Sample SEMiX205GARL07E3 Target Data Features • Solderless assembling solution with PressFIT.SEMiX205MLI12E4V2 - IGBT
SEMiX205MLI12E4V2 SEMiX® 5 3-Level NPC IGBT-Module SEMiX205MLI12E4V2 Features* • Solderless assembling solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw p.