www.DataSheet4U.com MS21083 LOW PROFILE - NYLON .
MS21044 - Nut Self Locking
www.DataSheet4U.com Source: http://www.assistdocs.com -- Downloaded: 2006-09-28T21:34Z Check the source to verify that this is the current version be.MS21044 - Nut
www.DataSheet4U.com MS21083 LOW PROFILE - NYLON INSERT SUPERSEDES AN364 - MS20364 MAXIMUM TEMP. 250 DEG. F. TO FIT THREAD SIZE CARBON STEEL AN364 44.PMS2104470 - Metallized polypropylene film capacitor
PMS - (New 550Vdc rating; expanded range; new lugs) Metallized polypropylene film capacitor MKP - Switching / Snubber - High current Main applications .