39SF020 - 2 Megabit (256K x 8) Multi-Purpose Flash
2 Megabit (256K x 8) Multi-Purpose Flash SST39SF020 Preliminary Specifications FEATURES: • Organized as 256 K X 8 • Single 5.0V Read and Write Operati.AD7943 - +3.3 V/+5 V Multiplying 12-Bit DACs
a FEATURES 12-Bit Multiplying DACs Guaranteed Specifications with +3.3 V/+5 V Supply 0.5 LSBs INL and DNL Low Power: 5 W typ Fast Interface 40 ns Str.M36L0R8060 - 256 Mbit (Multiple Bank / Multi-Level / Burst) Flash Memory 64 Mbit (Burst) PSRAM
M36L0R8060T0 M36L0R8060B0 256 Mbit (Multiple Bank, Multi-Level, Burst) Flash Memory 64 Mbit (Burst) PSRAM, 1.8V Supply, Multi-Chip Package PRELIMINARY.MP7670 - 8-CHANNEL VOLTAGE OUTPUT 5MHZ 4 QUADRANT MULTIPLYING 8BIT D/A CONVERTER
a 4XDGUDQW 0XOWLSO\LQJ %LW '$&V t ,QGHSHQGHQW a +LJK 6SHHG D . 6HWWOLQJ 7LPH 2V WR F /6% W\S 6OHZ 5DWH 92V W\S w 5HIHUHQFH ,.HA17408P - 8-Bit Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter
HA17408P 8-Bit Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter Description The HA17408P is an 8-bit monolithic D/A converter that incorporates a reference cu.IDT7212L - 12 x 12 Bit Parallel CMOS Multiplier
FEATURES: • 12 x 12 parallel multiplier with double precision product • High-speed - 30ns maximum clock to multiply time • Low-power consumption - 150.AK4393 - ADVANCED MULTI-BIT 96KHZ 24-BIT DAC
[AK4393] AK4393 Advanced Multi-Bit 96kHz 24-Bit ΔΣ DAC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4393 is a high performance stereo DAC for the 96kHz sampling mode o.AD7628 - CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DAC
a FEATURES On-Chip Latches for Both DACs +12 V to +15 V Operation DACs Matched to 1% Four Quadrant Multiplication TTL/CMOS Compatible from +12 V to +1.AD7520 - 10-Bit/ 12-Bit/ Multiplying D/A Converters
AD7520, AD7530, AD7521, AD7531 August 1997 10-Bit, 12-Bit, Multiplying D/A Converters Description The AD7520/AD7530 and AD7521/AD7531 are monolithic,.39VF040 - 512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash SST39LF512 / SST39LF010 / SST39LF020 / SST39LF040 SST39VF512 / SST39VF010 / SST39VF020 / .MX25L6473E - 64M-BIT [x 1/x 2/x 4] CMOS MXSMIO (SERIAL MULTI I/O) FLASH MEMORY
MX25L6473E MX25L6473E 3V, 64M-BIT [x 1/x 2/x 4] CMOS MXSMIO® (SERIAL MULTI I/O) FLASH MEMORY Key Features • Multi I/O Support - Single I/O, Dual I/O.ICL7134 - 14-Bit Multiplying Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter
® December 1997 NO CO T RE N MME FO DED RN E N ESIG WD S ICL7134 14-Bit Multiplying Microprocessor-Compatible D/A Converter Description The.DAC-08 - High Speed 8-Bit Multiplying D-to-A Converter
Appendix DAC-08 Motorola data sheet Appendix DAC-08 Motorola data sheet Appendix DAC-08 Motorola data sheet Appendix DAC-08 Motorola data sheet Ap.M36L0R7050 - 128 Mbit (Multiple Bank / Multi-Level / Burst) Flash Memory 32 Mbit (2M x16) PSRAM
M36L0R7050T0 M36L0R7050B0 128 Mbit (Multiple Bank, Multi-Level, Burst) Flash Memory 32 Mbit (2M x16) PSRAM, 1.8V Supply Multi-Chip Package FEATURES SU.MC1508-8 - (MC1508-8 / MC1408-8) 8-Bit Multiplying D/A Converter
Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification 8-bit multiplying D/A converter MC1508-8/1408-8 DESCRIPTION The MC1508/MC1408 series .TC524256B - 262144 x 4-Bit Multiport DRAM
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