STD878 STN878 High current, high performance, low .
STN878 - NPN transistor
STD878 STN878 High current, high performance, low voltage NPN transistors Features ■ Very low collector to emitter saturation voltage ■ DC current .2N878 - SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS
2N877-2N881, 2N885-2N889 High-reliability discrete products and engineering services since 1977 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTFIERS FEATURES Available a.AN8780SB - 4Ch. Linear Driver
ICs for CD/CD-ROM Player AN8780SB (Under development) 4Ch. Linear Driver IC for CD/CD-ROM s Overview The AN8780SB employs 4ch. H-bridge system that i.AN8783SB - 4-channel linear driver
ICs for Compact Disc/CD-ROM Player AN8783SB 4-channel linear driver IC for CD/CD-ROM drive s Overview The AN8783SB employs one channel of power op-am.AN8787NSB - 4-channel linear driver
ICs for Compact Disc/CD-ROM Player AN8787NSB 4-channel linear driver IC for CD/CD-ROM drive s Overview The AN8787NSB is a 4-channel driver IC that ha.N878 - NPN transistors
STD878 STN878 High current, high performance, low voltage NPN transistors Features ■ Very low collector to emitter saturation voltage ■ DC current .