
NGB15N41CL datasheet

NGB15N41CL datasheet

NGB15N41CL Ignition IGBT

NGD15N41CL, NGB15N41CL, NGP15N41CL Preferred Devic.

ON Semiconductor

NGB15N41CLT4 - Ignition IGBT

www.DataSheet4U.com NGD15N41CLT4, NGB15N41CLT4, NGP15N41CL Preferred Device Ignition IGBT 15 Amps, 410 Volts N−Channel DPAK, D2PAK and TO−220 This L.
1.0 · rating-1
ON Semiconductor

NGB15N41CL - Ignition IGBT

NGD15N41CL, NGB15N41CL, NGP15N41CL Preferred Device Ignition IGBT 15 Amps, 410 Volts N−Channel DPAK, D2PAK and TO−220 This Logic Level Insulated Gate.
1.0 · rating-1
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