OB2223 Datasheet | Specifications & PDF Download


OB2223 High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch

OB2223 High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch G.

On-Bright Electronics

OB2223 - High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch

OB2223 High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2223 is a high performance, high precision and low cost PWM Power switch for No.
Rating: 5 ★★★★★ (315 votes)
On-Bright Electronics

OB2223F - High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch

OB2223F High Precision Low Cost MCM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2223F is a high performance, high precision and low cost PWM Power switch for .
Rating: 1 (37 votes)
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