TSS TSS components are solid state crowbar device.
P0640TA - Thyristor Surge Suppressors
PXXXXTA SERIES Thyristor Surge Suppressors (TSS) Data Sheet Description DO-214AC Thyristor solid state protection thyristor protect telecommunicatio.P0640TA - TSS components
TSS TSS components are solid state crowbar devices designed to protect telecom equipment during transi- ent conditions, as follows: ◆ 1.Excellent t.P0640TA - Transient Voltage Suppressors
ELECTRONICS Transient Voltage Suppressors PxxxxTX Series DO-214AC/SMA Circuit Protection System Specifications are subject to change without notice..P0640TA - Thyristor Surge Suppressors
Thyristor Surge Suppressors P0080~P3500TA Serise Description P0060~P3500TA_B_C Series are low capacitance devices designed to protect broadband equip.P0640TA - Thyristor Surge Suppressors
Thyristor Surge Suppressors (TSS) P0080TA - P5000TA Series - DO-214AC(SMA) @10/700μS , 2KV Description P0080TA - P5000TA Series are designed to prot.P0640TA - Thyristor Surge Suppressor
Thyristor Surge Suppressors P0080TA Thru P3500TA Description Package: DO-214AC / SMA Pxxx0TA Series are micro capacitance Thyristor Surge Suppress.