SW6236 - AACC Four-Port Multi-Protocol Portable Power Bank SOC
SW6236 AACC SOC AACC SOC 1. SW6236 SOC, A+A+Cinout+Cinout 。 5A ,22.5W ; PPS/PD/SCP/FCP/QC/AFC/PE/BC1.2 ; 、/LED 。 2. • 3. • • ➢ ,、、、 .IP5356M - high-voltage SCP and bidirectional PD3.0 Portable power bank SOC
IP5356M SCP、 PD3.0 SOC 1. USB 2 USB A 1 USB B 1 USB C / 1 Lightning 1 USB C +USB C QC2.0/QC3.0 FCP / A.IP6351 - Portable electric fan integrated SoC
IP6351/IP6351S 5V、7V、9V SoC 1 2 1A , MOS 90% , :±0.5%; 4.20V、4.30V、4.35V 4.4V 5V、7V、9V 5V (IP6351S) .MT1389P - Portable DVD Player SOC
V1.5 PRELIMINARY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE MT1389P Portable DVD Player SOC MTK CONFIDENTIAL, NO DISCLOSURE Revised date 2006 3 16 2006 3 20 .RT9011 - Portable Power Management 300mA Dual LDO Regulator
Preliminary RT9011 Portable Power Management 300mA Dual LDO Regulator General Description The RT9011 is a dual channel, low noise, and low dropout r.NCR20700B - Portable Rechargeable Battery
Tentative NCR20700B data sheet Automotive & Industrial Systems Company of Panasonic Group Portable Rechargeable Battery Business Division, SANYO Elect.IP6351S - Portable electric fan integrated SoC
IP6351/IP6351S 5V、7V、9V SoC 1 2 1A , MOS 90% , :±0.5%; 4.20V、4.30V、4.35V 4.4V 5V、7V、9V 5V (IP6351S) .SPWVID328 - SPIC Wireless Portable System Processor
SPEEDPIXEL CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Preliminary Technical Data Document Number: SPWVID328DS Rev. 2.5 _____________________________________________.AX2000 - (AX2000 - AX2011) Portable CD Player
Portable CD player AX2000 AX2001 AX2002 AX2003 AX2011 AX5000 AX5001 AX5011 AX5013 M OD E PR OG RA M E UM E M R ES U M R A M R ES B OG RA DB .IP9001 - 4-CH Motor Drive IC for Portable CDP
IP9001 4-CH MOTOR DRIVE IC FOR PORTABLE CDP DESCRIPTIONS The IP9001 is a monolithic integrated circuit, and suitable for a 4-CH motor driver which dr.WM8731 - Portable Internet Audio CODEC
w WM8731 / WM8731L Portable Internet Audio CODEC with Headphone Driver and Programmable Sample Rates DESCRIPTION The WM8731 or WM8731L (WM8731/L) a.