C9012 - PJ2N9012
www.DataSheet.co.kr www.DataSheet4U.com PJ2N9012 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor 1W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF POTABLE RADIOS IN CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERAT.2SC9012 - PNP Transistor
www.DataSheet.co.kr www.DataSheet4U.com PJ2N9012 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor 1W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF POTABLE RADIOS IN CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERAT.PJ2N3904 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ2N3904 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor GENERAL PURPO SE TRANSISTO R • TO-92 SOT-23 • Collector-Emitter Voltage: VCEO = 40V.PJ4558 - Dual Wide Bandwidth Operational Amplifiers
PJ4558 Preliminary Dual Wide Bandwidth Operational Amplifiers FEATURES y y y y y 2.5MHz Unity Gain Bandwidth Guaranteed(PJ4558) Internally Compensat.PJ393 - Dual Voltage Comparator
PJ393 Dual Voltage Comparator he PJ393 is dual independent precision voltage comparators capable of single- or split-supply operation. specifications .PJ431A - (PJ431x) Programmable Precision References
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ431/PJ431A/PJ431B Programmable Precision References diodes in many applications such as digital voltmeters, power supplies , an.PJ431 - (PJ431x) Programmable Precision References
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ431/PJ431A/PJ431B Programmable Precision References diodes in many applications such as digital voltmeters, power supplies , an.PJ7805B - 3-Terminal Fixed Voltage Positive Regulators
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ7800B Series 3-Terminal Fixed Voltage Positive Regulators With adequate heatsinking they can deliver output currents up to 1 am.PJ7809B - 3-Terminal Fixed Voltage Positive Regulators
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ7800B Series 3-Terminal Fixed Voltage Positive Regulators With adequate heatsinking they can deliver output currents up to 1 am.PJ324 - Quad Low Power Operational Amplifiers
T he PJ324 series are low-cost , quad operational amplifiers with true differential inputs. These have several distinct advantage over standard opera.PJ13007 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
PJ13007 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCH MODE APPLICATION • High Speed Switching • Suitable for Swiching Regulator and Motor Contr.PJ3842B - (PJ3842B / PJ3843B) High Performance Current Mode Controller
T PJ3842B / PJ3843B High Performance Current Mode Controller he PJ3842B and PJ3843B series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controll.PJ3843B - (PJ3842B / PJ3843B) High Performance Current Mode Controller
T PJ3842B / PJ3843B High Performance Current Mode Controller he PJ3842B and PJ3843B series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controll.PJ13005 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
PJ13005 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCH MODE APPLICATION • • High Speed Switching Suitable for Switching Regulator and Motor Co.PJ386 - Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier
m o .c U 4 t designed for use in low PJ386 is a power amplifier e T he voltage consumer applications. The gain is internally set e h to 20 to keep ext.PJ3844B - (PJ3844B / PJ3845B) High Performance Current Mode Controller
T PJ3844B / PJ3845B High Performance Current Mode Controller he PJ3844B , PJ3845 series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controllers.PJ3845B - (PJ3844B / PJ3845B) High Performance Current Mode Controller
T PJ3844B / PJ3845B High Performance Current Mode Controller he PJ3844B , PJ3845 series are high performance fixed frequency current mode controllers.PJ2N3906 - PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ2N3906 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor GENERAL PURPO SE TRANSISTO R • • Collector-Emitter Voltage: VCEO = 40V Collector Diss.PJ1117 - Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator
www.DataSheet4U.com PJ1117 1 Amp Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator T he PJ1117 Series of high performance positive voltage regulators are desi.PJ1537 - Dual 1A Low Dorpout Fixed Voltage Regulators
Preliminary PJ1537 Dual 1A Low Dorpout Fixed Voltage Regulators T he PJ1537 provides 2 output voltage : 3.3V and either 2.5V or 1.8V fixed with 1.0A.