Q62702-C1501 - NPN Silicon Darlington Transistors (For general AF applications High collector current)
NPN Silicon Darlington Transistors BCV 27 BCV47 For general AF applications q High collector current q High current gain q Complementary types: BCV .Q62702-C1502 - PNP Silicon AF Transistors
PNP Silicon AF Transistors BCX 51 ... BCX 53 Features For AF driver and output stages q High collector current q Low collector-emitter saturation vo.Q62702-C1504 - PNP Silicon AF Transistors (For general AF applications High collector current High current gain)
PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 807 BC 808 q q q q q For general AF applications High collector current High current gain Low collector-emitter satur.Q62702-C1505 - NPN Silicon AF Transistors
NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 817 BC 818 q q q q q For general AF applications High collector current High current gain Low collector-emitter satur.Q62702-C1506 - NPN Silicon AF Transistors (For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain)
NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 846 ... BC 850 Features q q q q q For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain Low collector-emitter.Q62702-C1507 - PNP Silicon AF Transistors (For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage)
PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 856 ... BC 860 Features q q q q q For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain Low collector-emitter.