GOLDEN RELAYS GYB 15.7 12.3 14 Features Smaill size,light weight. Double make contact,low coil consumption. Standard terminal pitch employed,PC board .GK-A-1A - Miniature High Power Relay
GK-A Products Miniature High Power Relay R C US CONTACT DATA Contact arrangement Contact Resistance Contact material Contact rating(Res.load) Max. .EX2-2U1S - Automotive Relays
DATA SHEET AUTOMOTIVE RELAYS EX2/EX1 SERIES DESCRIPTION The new NEC EX2/EX1 series is PC-board mount type and the most suitable for various motor an.AQH2223 - Photo MOS Relays
4PMJE4UBUF3FMBZT "2)3&-":4 $PNQBDU%*1UZQF443*EFBMGPS"$MPBEDPOUSPM ķ 1 + 2 ķ 3 ķ ZC 4 ķ 8 1 + 2 ķ 6 3 ķ 5 4 Zero-cross ci.SJ-S-112DM - (SJ-S-112DM/LM) Relays
w w w t a .D S a e h U 4 t e .c m o w w w .D a t a e h S 4 t e U m o .c .V23084-C2001-A403 - Automotive Relays
Automotive Relays PCB Double Relays Double Mini Relay DMR n Limiting continuous current 30 A n Easiest PCB routing among all PCB relays Typical app.SIP-1A05 - REED RELAYS
REED RELAYS PART NUMBER SIP - XX XX XX Producrs Name Contact Form Options Nominal Voltage Picture Part Number Schematic Contact Form (Botto.V23076-A3001-D142 - PCB relays
PCB relays Single relays Power relay K (open and sealed) Catalog 1308028 Issued 01-05 Powertrain Systems Chassis Systems Safety Security Body D.G3MB-202P - Solid State relays
Solid State Relay G3MB Low cost Subminiature PCB mounting 2 amp Single in-line package (SIP) SSR • Bottom is approximately 3 times smaller than G3M. .V23084-C2001-A303 - Automotive Relays
Automotive Relays PCB Double Relays Double Mini Relay DMR n Limiting continuous current 30 A n Easiest PCB routing among all PCB relays Typical app.AQH3223 - Photo MOS Relays
4PMJE4UBUF3FMBZT "2)3&-":4 $PNQBDU%*1UZQF443*EFBMGPS"$MPBEDPOUSPM ķ 1 + 2 ķ 3 ķ ZC 4 ķ 8 1 + 2 ķ 6 3 ķ 5 4 Zero-cross ci.A5W-K - Solid State relays
MINIATURE RELAY To be discontinued in March 2020 2 POLES—1 to 2 A (FOR SIGNAL SWITCHING) A SERIES RoHS compliant n FEATURES l Extremely low profil.OSA-SS-212DM3 - General Purpose Relays
2. Enclosure: SS = Vent (Flux-tight)* plastic cover. SH = Sealed, plastic case. 3. Termination: 2 = 2 pole 4. Coil Voltage: 05 = 5VDC 06 = 6VDC 5. Co.ACTB3R2 - RELAYS
TB (ACTB) MINIATURE PC BOARD, TB RELAYS (ACTB)TWIN TYPE, 1 FORM C AUTOMOTIVE RELAY FEATURES • Compact and high-capacity 25 A load switching • Wide li.V23084-C2002-A403 - Automotive Relays
Automotive Relays PCB Double Relays Double Mini Relay DMR n Limiting continuous current 30 A n Easiest PCB routing among all PCB relays Typical app.OSA-SS-224DM3 - General Purpose Relays
2. Enclosure: SS = Vent (Flux-tight)* plastic cover. SH = Sealed, plastic case. 3. Termination: 2 = 2 pole 4. Coil Voltage: 05 = 5VDC 06 = 6VDC 5. Co.V23083 - Twin relays
Twin relays Mini power relay UT Features – Miniature twin coil relay – Minimal space requirement – Immersion cleanable Typical applications – Central.RA30451051 - (RA3xxxx) Reed Relays
www.DataSheet4U.com ww.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U www.DataSheet4U.com 4U.com DataSheet 4 U .com www.DataSHeet4U.com .AZ421 - Miniature General Purpose Relay
www.DataSheet4U.com AZ420 MINIATURE GENERAL PURPOSE RELAY FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Rugged construction for high reliability Life expectancy great.V23084-C2001-A403 - Twin Relays
PCB Relays Twin Relays Double Mini Relay DMR Catalog 1308028 Revision 03-06 Revision 03-05 Description Features - Two separate systems - Lamp applic.