XPT2046 - 4-wire resistive touch screen controller
LRC-LRF2512-01-R010-J - (LRC / LRF Series) Low Value Flat Chip Resistor
L8574D - Resistive SLIC / Ring Relay and Protector
RBR54U31602BP - (RBR5xxx Series) Axial Lead Precision Wirewound Resistors
RBR52xxxx - (RBR5xxx Series) Axial Lead Precision Wirewound Resistors
HR202L - Resistive humidity sensor
C5-5 - Thick Film Conformal Coated
FP210D250-22 - Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
TSC-54-RU - Analog Resistive Touch Screen Controller
BWL - BWL Low Resistive Power Resistors
AR1020 - Resistive Touch Screen Controller
LUCL8574DP-DT - L8574D Resistive Subscriber Line Interface Circuit(SLIC)/ Ring Relay/and Protector(SRP)for Long Loop and TR-57 Applications
FP210L100-22 - Differential Magnetoresistive Sensor
ZT2083 - I2C Resistive Touch Screen Controller
BU21029MUV - 4-wire Resistive Touch Screen Controller
KPY32-R - Silicon Piezoresistive Relative Pressure Sensor
KPY51-RK - (KPY51-RK - KPY57-RK) Silicon Piezoresistive Relative Pressure Sensor
KPY62-AK - (KPY62-AK - KPY69-AK) Silicon Piezoresistive Absolute Pressure Sensor Preliminary Data
70405xxx - Axial Lead Precision Wirewound Resistor