SM4001 ... SM4007, SM513, SM516, SM518, SM2000 SM.
SM2000 - Surface Mount Rectifier
SM513-SM2000 Surface Mount Rectifiers REVERSE VOLTAGE:1300-2000V CURRENT: 1.0 A DO - 213AB Features ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó Glass passivated device Ideal for su.FEDSM2000-11043 - DUAL EMISSION LASER INDUCED FLUORESCENCE TECHNIQUE
Proceedings of ASME FEDSM’00 ASME 2000 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting June 11-15, 2000, Boston, Massachusetts FEDSM2000-11043 DUAL EMISSI.SM2000 - Standard Recovery SMD Rectifier Diodes
SM4001 ... SM4007, SM513, SM516, SM518, SM2000 SM4001 ... SM4007, SM513, SM516, SM518, SM2000 Standard Recovery SMD Rectifier Diodes SMD-Gleichrichte.SSM2000 - HUSH Stereo Noise Reduction
a HUSH Stereo Noise Reduction System with Adaptive Threshold SSM2000 PIN CONFIGURATION 24-Lead Plastic DIP 24-Lead SOIC L IN 1 R IN 2 L VCF C1 3 L VC.SM2000 - Surface Mount Rectifier
BL FEATURES ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó ¡ó GALAXY ELECTRICAL SM513 --- SM2000 REVERSE VOLTAGE:13000-2000V CURRENT: 1.0 A DO - 213AB SURFACE MOUNT RECTI.SM2000 - silicon rectifier diodes
SM 513, SM 516, SM 518, SM 2000 /5 5 0 ; < 6 < < - 2- 6 < < - : < - /9 7 4 .