Si4825-A10 BROADCAST MECHANICAL TUNING AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER Features Worldwide FM band support (64–109 MHz) Worldwide AM band support (504–1.Si4735-D60 - BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER
Si4730/31/34/35-D60 BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER RCLK SEN SCLK SDIO RST Features Worldwide FM band support Seven selectable AM channe.CP2102 - SINGLE-CHIP USB TO UART BRIDGE
CP2102/9 SINGLE-CHIP USB-TO-UART BRIDGE For newer designs, the CP2102N devices offer compatible footprints and are recommended for use instead of th.Si4831-B30 - BROADCAST MECHANICAL TUNING AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER
Si4831/35-B30 BROADCAST MECHANICAL TUNING AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER Features Worldwide FM band support (64–109 MHz) Worldwide AM band support (504.C8051F523 - 8/4/2 kB ISP Flash MCU
Analog Peripherals - 12-Bit ADC • Programmable throughput up to 200 ksps • Up to 6/16 external inputs • Data dependent windowed interrupt generator • .Si4730-D60 - BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER
Si4730/31/34/35-D60 BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER RCLK SEN SCLK SDIO RST Features Worldwide FM band support Seven selectable AM channe.Si4731-D60 - BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER
Si4730/31/34/35-D60 BROADCAST AM/FM/SW/LW RADIO RECEIVER RCLK SEN SCLK SDIO RST Features Worldwide FM band support Seven selectable AM channe.Si3474 - Up to four 802.3bt or eight 802.3at Ethernet Port PoE PSE Controller
Si3474 Data Sheet Up to four 802.3bt or eight 802.3at Ethernet Port PoE PSE Controllers The Si3474 is a fully programmable, 50 to 57 V power manageme.BGM113 - Blue Gecko Bluetooth-Module
BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth ® Module Data Sheet The Blue Gecko BGM113 is a Bluetooth® Module targeted for Bluetooth low energy applications where sma.C8051F348 - Full Speed USB Flash MCU
C8051F340/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/A/B/C/D Full Speed USB Flash MCU Family Analog Peripherals - 10-Bit ADC (C8051F340/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/A/B only) • Up to 200 k.Si4688-A10 - FM/HD/DAB/DAB+ RADIO RECEIVER
Si4688-A10 SINGLE-CHIP, FM/HD/DAB/DAB+ RADIO RECEIVER Features Worldwide FM band support Advanced audio DSP processing (76–108 MHz) Comple.C8051F020 - 8K ISP FLASH MCU
C8051F020/1/2/3 8K ISP FLASH MCU Family ANALOG PERIPHERALS - SAR ADC • 12-Bit (C8051F020/1) • 10-Bit (C8051F022/3) • ± 1 LSB INL • Programmable Throu.CP2102N - USB-to-UART bridge controller
USBXpress™ Family CP2102N Data Sheet The CP2102N devices, part of the USBXpress family, are designed to quickly add USB to your applications by elimi.TS1102 - SOT23 Precision Current-Sense Amplifier
TS1102 A 1µA, 200µVOS SOT23 Precision Current-Sense Amplifier FEATURES ♦ Improved Electrical Performance over the MAX9938 and the MAX9634 ♦ Ultra-Lo.Si1146-M01 - PROXIMITY/UV/AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR MODULE
Si1145/46/47-M01 PROXIMITY/UV/AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR MODULE WITH I2C INTERFACE Features Integrated infrared proximity detector Accurate lux measu.Si4713 - FM RADIO TRANSMITTER
Si4712/13-B30 FM RADIO TRANSMITTER WITH RECEIVE POWER SCAN Features Integrated receive power measurement Worldwide FM band support (76–108 MHz) Requ.Si1005 - 10-Bit ADC MCU
Si1000/1/2/3/4/5 Ultra Low Power, 64/32 kB, 10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240–960 MHz EZRadioPRO® Transceiver Ultra Low Power: 0.9 to 3.6 V Operatio.Si8642ET-AS - Low-Power Quad-Channel Digital Isolators
Si864x Data Sheet Low-Power Quad-Channel Digital Isolators Silicon Lab's family of ultra-low-power digital isolators are CMOS devices offering subst.Si4836-A10 - BROADCAST MECHANICAL TUNING AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER
Si4836-A10 BROADCAST MECHANICAL TUNING AM/FM/SW RADIO RECEIVER Features Worldwide FM band support (64–109 MHz) Worldwide AM band support (504–1.AN217 - C8051F35X DELTA-SIGMA ADC USERS GUIDE
AN217 C8051F35 X D E L TA -S I G M A ADC U S E R ’ S G U I D E Relevant Devices This application note applies to the following devices: C8051F350, C80.