BT152-600R - Thyristors
isc Thyristors INCHANGE Semiconductor BT152-600R APPLICATIONS ·It is suitable to fit all modes of control found in applications such as overvoltage .TIC106M - Thyristors
isc Thyristors TIC106M APPLICATIONS ·5A contimunous on-state current ·30A surge-current ·Glass passivated ·Max IGT of 200μA ·100% avalanche tested ·.2N4101 - Thyristors
File NO. 114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OO(]5L}[] Solid State Division Thyristors 2N3228 2N3529 2N3525 2N4101 2N35.PCR406 - Silicon Planar PNPN Thyristors
Elektronische Bauelemente PCR406 / PCR606 Silicon Planar PNPN Thyristors RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” specifies halogen & lead-free MAIN.TIC126M - Thyristors
isc Thyristors TIC126M APPLICATIONS ·12A on-state current ·100A surge-current ·Glass passivated ·Max IGT of 20mA ·Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for .MCR106-8G - sensitive gate thyristors
MCR106-6G,MCR106-8G SCRs Description Glass passivated, sensitive gate thyristors in a plastic envelope, intended for use in general purpose switching.BT151-500R - Thyristors
isc Thyristors BT151-500R APPLICATIONS ·It is suitable to fit all modes of control found in applications such as overvoltage crowbar protection,moto.C106D - Thyristors
C106 Series Pin Out 3 21 Thyristors Surface Mount > 200 - 600V > C106 Series Pb Description Glassivated PNPN devices designed for high volume consum.S4M02-600F - Sensitive Gate Sillicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors
LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR Sensitive Gate Sillicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors FEATURES Glass-Passivated Surface for Reliability and .C122F1 - Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors
www.DataSheet4U.com C122F1, C122B1 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors Designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications.KP20A - Phase Control Thyristors
www.jeenda.com Solid State Relays,Seminconductor Devices PhaseControlThyristors Specification: x x x x x x IF(AV)=5Ͳ500A VDRM/VRRM=100Ͳ5000.70NT120 - Phase Control Thyristors
Naina Semiconductor Ltd. 70NT Phase Control Thyristors, 70A Features • Improved glass passivation for high reliability • Exceptional stability at hi.CLA50E1200HB - Thyristors
isc Thyristors INCHANGE Semiconductor CLA50E1200HB DESCRIPTION ·With TO-247 packaging ·Long-term stability ·Thyristor for line frequency ·Planar pas.MCR225-10FP - Thyristors
isc Thyristors INCHANGE Semiconductor MCR225-10FP DESCRIPTION ·With TO-220F packaging ·Long-term stability ·Thyristor for line frequency ·Planar pas.CS601 - Thyristors
www.DataSheet4U.com DataSheet4U.com DataShee DataSheet4U.com DataSheet 4 U .com www.DataSheet4U.com DataSheet4U.com et4U.com DataSheet4U.com .2N3529 - Thyristors
File NO. 114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OO(]5L}[] Solid State Division Thyristors 2N3228 2N3529 2N3525 2N4101 2N35.KP200A - Phase Control Thyristors
www.jeenda.com Solid State Relays,Seminconductor Devices PhaseControlThyristors Specification: x x x x x x IF(AV)=5Ͳ500A VDRM/VRRM=100Ͳ5000.2N3670 - Thyristors
File No. 116 [RlCJBLJD Solid State Division Thyristors 2N3668 2N3670 2N3669 2N4103 All-Diffused SCR's for Low-Cost Power-Control and Power-Switching.