MYXFC64GJDDN - MMC Controller and 64GB NAND Flash
Micron Confidential and Proprietary MMC C4oGnBt,r8oGllBe,rM1&6YGXNBFA,CN362D4GJBFDF:leaDeas·NMthu*MreCs e·MMC™ Memory *Advanced information. Subject .MYXFC32GJDDQ - MMC Controller & NAND Flash
Micron Confidential and Proprietary MMC C4oGnBt,r8oGllBMe,rY1&X6GFNCBA,3N322GDGJBFDF:leDaeas·QMthu*MreCs e·MMC™ Memory *Advanced information. Subject.10YXF2200Mxx - (YXF Series) Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
w w w t a .D S a e h U 4 t e .c m o w w w .D a t a e h S 4 t e U m o .c .