SP5718AP - High precision primary side feedback switching power supply chip
SP5718AP DATA SHEET SP5718AP :V1.0 -1- SP5718AP 、 SP5718AP , AC/DC 。SP5718AP 、, TL431。 , CS Rs 。, 。,,。SP5718AP PFM , PWM ,。 SP5718AP ,(OCP),.AP3969 - PRIMARY SIDE POWER SWITCHER
A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated AP3968/69/70 PRIMARY SIDE POWER SWITCHER FOR OFF-LINE SMPS Description The AP3968/69/70 consists of a primary s.DP2540A - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
DP2540A High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION DP2540A is a high performance offline PWM power switch for low power A.DP2539M - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
DP2539M High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION DP2539M is a high performance offline PWM power switch for low power A.NCL30188 - Power Factor Corrected Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Current-Mode Controller
NCL30188 Power Factor Corrected Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Current-Mode Controller for LED Lighting with Thermal Foldback www.onsemi.com The NCL30.OB25133 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
OB2513x High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES OB2513x is a high performance offline PSR power Primary-s.LM3001 - Primary Side PWM Driver
( DataSheet : www.DataSheet4U.com ) www.DataSheet4U.com .FAN100 - Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller
FAN100 — Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller August 2008 FAN100 Primary-Side-Control PWM Controller Features Constant-Voltag.NCL30081 - Dimmable Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Current-Mode Controller
NCL30081 Dimmable Quasi-Resonant Primary Side Current-Mode Controller for LED Lighting The NCL30081 is a PWM current mode controller targeting isola.CR6237 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch
CR623X—CR6235/6236/6237/6238 High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power Switch Features Up to 5% Precision for Constant Voltage Regulation and Cons.FLS3247N - Single-Stage PFC Primary-Side-Regulation Offline LED Driver
FLS3217 / FLS3247 — Single-Stage PFC Primary-Side-Regulation Offline LED Driver with Integrated Power MOSFET July 2014 FLS3217 / FLS3247 Single-Stage.FL7730MY - Single-Stage Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller
FL7730MY — Single-Stage Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller for PFC and LED Dimmable Driving February 2012 FL7730MY Single-Stage Primary-Side-Reg.OB2536 - High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Controller
On-Bright Confidential to Moons OB2536 High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Controller Product Specification GENERAL DESCRIPTION OB2536 is a high p.AP3768 - LOW-POWER OFF-LINE PRIMARY SIDE REGULATION CONTROLLER
Preliminary Datasheet LOW-POWER OFF-LINE PRIMARY SIDE REGULATION CONTROLLER General Description Features AP3768 The AP3768 is a high performance .CSC7101 - High efficiency low standby power primary side feedback AC/DC driver
CSC7101 AC/DC CSC7101 AC/DC。 ,、TL431 。CSC7101 BJT、PFM, ,。 CSC7101 , 。 VCC FB CPC CS SOP7 GND HV HV 810V , TL431 CV/CC (OVP/UV.FL7740 - Constant-Voltage Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller
Constant-Voltage Primary-Side-Regulation PWM Controller for Power Factor Correction FL7740 Description The FL7740 provides accurate CV regulation in t.PL3378 - Accurate CC/CV Primary Side PWM Power Switch
PL3378 Accurate CC/CV Primary Side PWM Power Switch Product Description PL3378 is a high efficiency Primary Side Regulator and highly integrated PWM .MT7955 - Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver
MT7955 High Accuracy, Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver DESCRIPTION MT7955 is a primary-side controller for AC-DC LED lighting. It operates in constant c.MT7955L - Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver
Maximizing IC Performance MT7955L High Accuracy, Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver DESCRIPTION MT7955L is a primary-side controller for AC-DC LED lighti.MT7958 - Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver
MT7958 High Accuracy, Primary-side AC-DC LED Driver DESCRIPTION MT7958 is a primary-side controller for AC-DC LED lighting. It operates in constant c.