AD6121 regulator equivalent, cdma 3 v receiver if subsystem with integrated voltage regulator.
Fully Compliant with IS98A and PCS Specifications CDMA, W-CDMA, AMPS, and TACS Operation Linear IF Amplifier 5.9 dB Noise Figure
–47.5 dB to +47 dB Linear.
CDMA, W-CDMA, AMPS, and TACS Operation QPSK Receivers
CDMA 3 V Receiver IF Subsystem with Integrated Voltage Regulator .
The AD6121 is a low power receiver IF subsystem specifically designed for CDMA applications. It consists of high dynamic range IF amplifiers with voltage controlled gain, a divide-by-two quadrature generator, an I and Q demodulator, and a powerdown .
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