+2.7 v to +5.25 v micropower 2-channel 125ksps 12-bit adc.
Specified for VDD of +2.7 V to +5.25 V Flexible Power/Throughput Rate Management Shutdown Mode: 1 A Max One/Two Single-Ended Inputs Serial Interface: SPI™/QSPI™/MICROWI.
Battery-Powered Systems (Personal Digital Assistants, Medical Instruments, Mobile Communications) Instrumentation and Co.
The AD7887 is a high speed, low power, 12-bit ADC that operates from a single +2.7 V to +5.25 V power supply. The AD7887 is capable of 125 kSPS throughput rate. The input track-andhold acquires a signal in 500 ns and features a single-ended sampling.
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+2 +5.2