
AD8342 Datasheet, Analog Devices

AD8342 mixer equivalent, active receive mixer.

AD8342 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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AD8342 Datasheet

Features and benefits

Broadband RF, LO, and IF ports Conversion gain: 3.7 dB Noise figure: 12.2 dB Input IP3: 22.7 dBm Input P1dB: 8.3 dBm LO drive: 0 dBm Differential high impedance RF input .


Cellular base station receivers ISM receivers Radio links RF instrumentation GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD8342 is a high pe.


The AD8342 is a high performance, broadband active mixer. It is well suited for demanding receive channel applications that require wide bandwidth on all ports and very low intermodulation distortion and noise figure. The AD8342 provides a typical co.

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