AD9229 converter equivalent, quad 12-bit 50/65 msps serial lvds 3v a/d converter.
Four ADCs in 1 package Serial LVDS digital output data rates
to 780 Mbps (ANSI-644) Data and frame clock outputs SNR = 69.5 dB (to Nyquist) Excellent linearity
DNL = ±0.3.
Digital beam-forming systems for ultrasound Wireless and wired broadband communications Communication test equipment
The AD9229 is a quad, 12-bit, 65 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit that is designed for low cost, low power, small size, and ease of use. The product operates at up to a 65 MSPS conversion rate and is opti.
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