n 3W Output at 10% THD with a 4Ω Load and
The PAM8404 is a 3W high efficiency filterless
5V Supply
class-D audio amplifier in 4mmX4mm QFN and
n Supply V.
2mm X 2mm WCSP
4mm X 4mm Thin QFN
In cellular handsets, the earpiece, speaker phone,
n Pb-Free Packages
and melody.
n 3W Output at 10% THD with a 4Ω Load and
The PAM8404 is a 3W high efficiency filterless
5V Supply
class-D audio amplifier in 4mmX4mm QFN and
n Supply Voltage from 2.5V to 5.5 V
2mmX2mm wafer chip scale (WCSP) packages
n Efficiency Up to 89%
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