
HMS81C4360 Datasheet, Hynix Semiconductor

HMS81C4360 microcontrollers equivalent, hynix semiconductor inc. 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers.

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HMS81C4360 Datasheet

Features and benefits

60K bytes of ROM, 1024 bytes of RAM, 8/16-bit timer/counter, onchip PLL oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, there are other package types, HMS81C4360(32PDIP), H.


The HMS81C4x60 provides following standard features: 60K bytes of ROM, 1024 bytes of RAM, 8/16-bit timer/counter, onchi.


The HMS81C4x60 is an advanced CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 60K bytes of ROM. This is one of the HMS800 family. This is a powerful microcontroller which provides a high flexibility and cost effective solution to many TV applications. The HMS81C4x60.

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