
IDT54FCT244 Datasheet, Integrated Device Technology

IDT54FCT244 driver equivalent, fast cmos octal buffer/line driver.

IDT54FCT244 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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IDT54FCT244 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* IDT54/74FCT240/241/244/540/541 equivalent to FASTTM speed and drive
* IDT54/74FCT240A/241A/244A/540A/541A 25% faster than FAST
* IDT54/74FCT240C/241C/244C/.


The IDT octal buffer/line drivers are built using an advanced dual metal CMOS technology. The IDT54/74FCT240/A/C, IDT54/74FCT241/A/C and IDT54/74FCT244/A/C are designed to be employed as memory and address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented tra.

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