mcs 51 8-bit control-oriented microcontrollers.
of the MCS 51 Family, as listed below:
Port Pin
P3,0 P3.1 P3.2 P3,3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7
Alternative Function
RXD (serial input port) TXD (serial output port) INTO(exter.
Byte-processing and numerical operations on small data structures are facilitated by a variety of fast addressing modes.
of Intel’s thermal impedance test methodology.
~“52’80320NL’ ~
L { I’__”llT2EX
PI.’ P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1,6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
40 Vcc 39 P’,’ ADO 38 PO.1AD1 37 PO.2A02 36 PO.3 A03
35 PO.4AD4
34 PO.5AD5
PI.6 ::8:;
P1.7 6
33 P06 AD’
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