ICL7117 hold equivalent, 31/2 digit/ lcd/led display/ a/d converter with display hold.
of the ICL7106 and ICL7107 with the addition of a HOLD Reading input. With this input, it is possible to make a measurement and retain the value on the display indefinitel.
and Test Circuits
R1 R3 C4 R4 C1 OSC 1 40 OSC 2 39 OSC 3 38 TEST 37 REF HI 36 V+ 35 CREF+ 34 CREF- 33
R5 C5 C.
The Intersil ICL7116 and ICL7117 are high performance, low power, 31/2 digit, A/D converters. Included are seven segment decoders, display drivers, a reference, and a clock. The ICL7116 is designed to interface with a liquid crystal display (LCD) and.
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