HSP48908 convolver equivalent, two dimensional convolver.
* Single Chip 3 x 3 Kernel Convolution
* Programmable On-Chip Row Buffers
* DC to 32MHz Clock Rate
* Cascadable for Larger Kernels and Images
* On-Chi.
* Image Filtering
* Edge Detection
* Adaptive Filtering
* Real Time Video Filter
Ordering Information
NAME VCC GND CLK DIN-07 ClN0-9 PLCC PIN 21, 42, 63, 84 19, 48, 54, 61, 69, 76, 82 20 1-8 9-18 I I I TYPE DESCRIPTION The +5V power supply pins. 0.1µF capacitors between the VCC and GND pins are recommended. The device ground. Input and System Clock..
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