
ML145408 Datasheet, LANSDALE Semiconductor

ML145408 drivers/receivers equivalent, (ml145403 - ml145408) drivers/receivers.

ML145408 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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ML145408 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Operating Temperature Range TA =
  –40° to +85°C Drivers
* ± 5 to ± 12 V Supply Range
* 300 Ω Power
  –Off Source Impedance


These devices offer the following performance features:
* Operating Temperature Range TA =
  –40° to .


VCC Digital Power Supply The digital supply pin, which is connected to the logic power supply (+ 5.5 V maximum). GND Ground Ground return pin is typically connected to the signal ground pin of the EIA
  –E connector .

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