
LC4064V-5TN48I Datasheet, Lattice Semiconductor

LC4064V-5TN48I plds equivalent, super fast high density plds.

LC4064V-5TN48I Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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LC4064V-5TN48I Datasheet

Features and benefits

* High Performance
* Broad Device Offering
* fMAX = 400MHz maximum operating frequency
* tPD = 2.5ns propagation delay
* Up to four global clock pin.


* Operation with 3.3V, 2.5V or 1.8V LVCMOS I/O
* Operation with 3.3V (4000V), 2.5V (4000B) or 1.8V (4000C/Z) sup.

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