push pull catv amplifier.
* 20 dB Gain
* 8 V DC Bias
* Differential Inputs and Outputs
* Low Distortion
* Lead-Free 4 mm 20-Lead PQFN package
* Halogen-Free “Green” Mold Co.
where low noise figure and low distortion are required.
Ordering Information 1,2
Part Number MAAM-009455-000000 MAAM-0.
The MAAM-009455 is a GaAs MMIC amplifier in a lead-free 4 mm 20-lead PQFN package. The MMIC design is configured as a pair of cascode MESFET amplifiers for broadband performance. It is designed for integration in a 75 Ω push-pull, low distortion, amp.
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