TC1301B ldo equivalent, dual ldo.
* Dual Output LDO with Microcontroller Reset Monitor Functionality: - VOUT1 = 1.5V to 3.3V @ 300 mA - VOUT2 = 1.5V to 3.3V @ 150 mA - VRESET = 2.20V to 3.20V
* Ou.
* Cellular/GSM/PHS Phones
* Battery-Operated Systems
* Hand-Held Medical Instruments
* Portable Computer.
The TC1301A/B combines two Low Dropout (LDO) regulators and a microcontroller RESET function into a single 8-pin MSOP or DFN package. Both regulator outputs feature low dropout voltage, 104 mV @ 300 mA for VOUT1, 150 mV @ 150 mA for VOUT2, low quiesc.
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