XB1006 amplifier equivalent, gaas mmic buffer amplifier.
High Dynamic Range/Positive Gain Slope Excellent LO Driver/Buffer Amplifier Low Noise or Power Bias Configurations 21.0 dB Small Signal Gain 3.2 dB Noise Figure at Low No.
Frequency Range (f ) Input Return Loss (S11) 3 Output Return Loss (S22) 3 Small Signal Gain (S21)3 Gain Flatn.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (Vd) Supply Current (Id) Gate Bias Voltage (Vg) Input Power (Pin) Storage Temperature (Tstg) Operating Temperature (Ta) Channel Temperature (Tch)
+6.0 VDC 120 mA +0.3 VDC +5 dBm -65 to +165 OC -55 to MTTF Tabl.
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